

Born in Vila-real (Castellón), Oscar Ebro Nebot has studied under the tutelage of the concert guitarist Manuel Babiloni. Their his training as a professional interpreter has forged for more than twenty years in the “International Guitar Courses” led by master Babiloni.

In these he has been, musically and artistically, educated in the principles of a long tradition of guitar playing that, in the words of Manuel Babiloni, revolves around “music as a communicative fact. It is say, how from the respect for music you can express the emotion of it through the guitar”.

He has developed an intense pedagogical work in Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom. Since 2016, he has the privilege of teaching every summer in the “Manuel Babiloni International Guitar Course” in Vilafamés as well as well as directing, since 2021, the “Manuel Babiloni Musical Interpretation” which takes place at the NEO Academy music school in Vila-real.

As a concert guitarist he has participated in numerous festivals, as a soloist and as a member of various music formations of chamber music, which have taken place in different countries such as Spain, the United United Kingdom, Germany or Japan. Following the work done by his teacher, Oscar works with current composers such as Rafael Beltrán, Emili Mallol or Josep Pascual i Triay who have entrusted him with and dedicated the premiere of his compositions for his guitar. In 2019 it came to light with the label “JSM Guitar Records” his first record work “In Memoriam Manuel Babiloni”.


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